Dubai Happy New Year’s Eve 2025 Wishes Images

New Year is the happiest event to wish everyone especially your family and friends best wishes. This is the beginning of a new year with new hopes & ending the current year with a lot of experiences. You can send Happy New Year’s wishes to your loved ones living in Dubai, United Arab Emirates, and all around the world. Happy New Year’s Eve 2025 celebrations cannot be completed without wishing others.


Since we are entering into the New Year and before you send Happy New Year wishes texts to any of your friends and family members try to send them some of the best Happy New Year’s wishes 2025 ideas that will motivate them to set some goals for the coming year. In Dubai, especially you can enjoy huge fireworks displays at different locations with other activities of New Year’s Eve 2025 wishes happy new year

Happy New Year 2025 Different Languages

Country/Language How to say Happy New Year
Afrikaans Gelukkige nuwe jaar
Arabic Antum salimoun
Armenian Snorhavor Nor Tari
Bengali Shuvo Nabo Barsho
Bulgarian Chestita Nova Godina
Chinese Xin Nian Kuai Le
Croatian Sretna Nova godina!
Danish Godt Nytår
Esperanto Felican Novan Jaron
Estonian Head uut aastat!
Finnish Onnellista Uutta Vuotta
French Bonne Annee
Gaelic Bliadhna mhath ur
German Prosit Neujahr
Gujarati Nutan Varshbhinandan
Hawaiian Hauoli Makahiki Hou
Hebrew L’Shannah Tovah
Hindi Naye Varsha Ki Shubhkamanyen
Hungarian Boldog Ooy Ayvet
Indonesian Selamat Tahun Baru
Irish Bliain nua fe mhaise dhuit
Italian Felice anno nuovo
Japanese Akimashite Omedetto Gozaimasu
Korean Saehae Bock Mani ba deu sei yo!
Lithuanian Laimingu Naujuju Metu
Malay Selamat Tahun Baru
Marathi Nveen Varshachy Shubhechcha
Maltese Is-Sena t- Tajba
Nepali Nawa Barsha ko Shuvakamana
Norwegian Godt Nyttår
Persian Saleh now mobarak
Polish Szczesliwego Nowego Roku
Portuguese Feliz Ano Novo
Punjabi Nave sal di Mubarak
Russian S Novim Godom
Slovak A stastlivy Novy Rok
Slovenian sreèno novo leto
Spanish Feliz Ano~Nuevo
Swedish GOTT NYTT ÅR!/Gott nytt år!
Tamil Eniya Puthandu Nalvazhthukkal
Telugu Noothana samvatsara shubhakankshalu
Thai Sawadee Pee Mai
Turkish Yeni Yiliniz Kutlu Olsun
Ukrainian Shchastlyvoho Novoho Roku
Urdu Naya Saal Mubbarak Ho
Uzbek Yangi Yil Bilan
Vietnamese Chuc Mung Tan Nien
Welsh Blwyddyn Newydd Dda!

Everyone in life planning to do something adventurous, but they wait for the right time to start working on them. This is the beginning of New Year, here we think you can motivate yourself to achieve the goals by setting up targets at the start of New Year’s eve.

You can share these amazing ideas with your friends and colleagues by sending them the below encouraging Happy New Year HD Images and wishes. You can send beautiful images and the best Happy New Year wishes to all your friends in Dubai and other countries. Dubai is one of the best places to celebrate New Year’s Eve and you can have a lot of fun with your friends.

You can send these best wishes for their upcoming time in every part of life. You can move anywhere around Dubai city because everywhere during New Year’s night in Dubai you will find a lot of fun and entertainment.advance happy new year 2020 Everyone starts a new journey with the beginning of the New Year. In Dubai, people are living setting their aims high mostly some ex-pats leave their home country for a bright future. So living here in Dubai and welcoming the New Year brings a new dawn for the ex-pat people.

We are providing you with many Happy New Year Dubai Images and Happy New Year’s wishes. You can send these happy New Year’s wishes to family and friends, and pray for their long life and happiness this upcoming New Year’s Eve. You can download Happy New Year images and wishes to send them to your loved ones.

Latest Happy New Year’s Eve 2025 Wishes

Happy New Year! I am absolutely looking forward to many more wonderful New Year celebrations with you.

Happy New Year wishes for my dear wife. Our love has transcended all boundaries and stood strong all these times and I hope this year too it turns out more lovely and happier.

I wish that this year is blessed with a happier you… May your smiles, joy and success double this year and may your sorrows and problems become half…. With lots of love and warm hugs, I wish my darling lady, a beautiful and joyous Happy New Year full of romance.

As we start this New Year together, we can look back at the past with satisfaction, and look forward to the future with excitement! Have a wonderful New Year!

Since the day we became husband and wife, I’ve greeted each New Year with overflowing happiness and thanksgiving. Here’s to another year. Happy New Year.

To my sweet wife, happy New Year wishes and greetings for you. Let our love bloom this year and our togetherness bring sweeter moments to share always.

happy new year family image

You are the yin to my yang. We complete each other. Happy New Year to the person who brings out the best in me. Happy New Year.

Lover boy, only you can make me feel the way you do. I’m happy to be yours in 2025.

Our love seems like a fairy-tale to me… In which you appeared from nowhere and brought into my life all the love and affection…holding my hands, giving me strength…. Wishing a very Happy New Year to the most amazing wife who means the world to me… Love you darling.

I Can Easily Hear Your Heart Beats. Believe Me That Your Heart Beats Are Similar To My Heart Beats. I Cannot Live Without You So Never Leave Me Alone In This New Year Too.

I Wish That This Year Bring Good Changes In Our Relationship And Eliminate All The Negative Signs And Sorrows. Give More Strength To Our Relationship. Happy New Year!

You Are A Great Person And I Would Like To Praise You All The Moments Throughout The Day. I Love You And Also Love This New Year. Happy New Year in Dubai.

I Can’t Wait For The Moment I See You On New Year’s Eve. I Have Something Special To Tell You. Happy New Year.

kullu amin wa antum bikhair

Happy New Year wishes in the Arabic Language

في أول لحظة من العام الجديد، أتمنى لك عامًا مليئًا بالفرح والتحديات الملهمة. كل عام وأنت بأمان وسعادة!

لنحتفل ببداية جديدة، مليئة بالفرص والإنجازات. أتمنى لك عامًا مشرقًا ومليئًا بالتفاؤل. كل عام وأنتم بخير!

مع انطلاق عام جديد، أتمنى لكم رحلة مليئة بالسعادة والتفوق. لنمضي قدمًا مع الأمل في قلوبنا. كل عام وأنتم بأمان وفرح!

في كل ثانية جديدة، تبدأ قصة جديدة. أتمنى لك عامًا يمتلئ بلحظات جميلة وإنجازات لا تُنسى. كل عام وأنتم بخير وسلام!

في أولى لحظات العام الجديد، أتمنى لك السعادة الدائمة والنجاح المتواصل. لنمضي معًا في رحلة استكشاف أفق جديد. كل عام وأنتم بأمان وفرح!

Latest New Year Wishes 2025 For Lovers

May This Coming Year, You Handle Yourself With Your Brains But Comfort Others With Your Heart.

The First Week Of January, Gym Classes Everywhere Are Packed With People Who Made New Year’s Resolutions To Tone Up.

May The Previous Year Bring Along Happiness And Glory For You May We Stay Together Forever Happy New Year

happy new year cards

The First Week Of January, Gym Classes Everywhere Are Packed With People Who Made New Year’s Resolutions To Tone Up.

I Wish Your Favorite Model Or Actor Comes Up With An Easier To Follow Diet This Coming Year. Happy New Year 2025

Sometimes People Forget How Much 365 Days Actually Brings To Their Lives. This Is The Right Moment To Reflect And To Hope For 365 More Amazing Days!

happy new year chocolate

“Another Year Has Passed, Another Year Has Come. I Wish For You That, With Every Year, You Achieve All Of Your Dreams. May God Pour Love And Care On You. Happy New Year.”

“I Wish You A New Year That As Colorful As A Firework And As Fun As Bounce House. Happy A Fun-filled New Year!”

“With Your Compassion And Generosity, You Redefined The Meaning Of Best Friends. I Have Been Blessed. Happy New Year To A Wonderful Human Who Happens To Be My Dearest Friend.”

Be Always At Peace With Your Neighbors And Relatives, And Let Every New-Year Find You A Better Person. Happy New Year!

Happy new year hat

Here’s To An Amazing New Year And A Warm Adieu To The Old, Good Cheers And The Many Joys Yet To Unfold. Happy New Year!

To My Sweet Lover, Wishing You A Very Happy New Year. Let This Coming Year Bring The Happiest Days And The Moments Of Love In Our Newly Married Life.

new year eve 2019 dubai images

New Year Wishes for Lovers in Arabic Language

في بداية عام جديد، أتمنى لنا حباً يزدهر ولحظات مليئة بالسعادة. كل عام وأنت حبيبي/حبيبتي بأمان ورفاه!

مع انطلاق العام الجديد، تكمل حياتي بلون جديد من الحب والفرح. كل عام وأنت النجم في سماء قلبي. أتمنى لنا عاماً رائعاً!

عندما نستقبل العام الجديد، يكون قلبي ممتلئاً بالحب والآمال بجانبك. كل عام وأنت مصدر إلهامي وسعادتي. أتمنى لنا سنة مليئة بالحب!

في كل لحظة جديدة من العام، يكون حضورك أجمل هدية. كل عام وأنت معي، يا حبيبي/حبيبتي. أتمنى لنا عامًا مليئاً بالسعادة والسحر!

مع بداية العام الجديد، تتجدد إشراقة حبنا. كل عام وأنت السر وراء ابتسامتي وفرح قلبي. أتمنى لنا عاماً حافلًا بالحب والسعادة!

New Year 2025 Wishes For Husband and Wife

Nothing Prepared Me For This Moment. Happy New Year To The Most Important Person In My Life. Happy New Year my Love.

Perfect Romance Begins On New Year’s Eve. That’s The Night We Danced, The Night I’ll Never Forget. Happy New Year my Love.

I Wanted A Boyfriend. I Got The Moon. There’s Nothing Left To Say. Here’s To Another Year Together, My Darling.

happy new year in arabic

Your Girlfriend Told Me About You, But She Didn’t Prepare Me For How Wonderful You Are. Now Here We Are, Celebrating The New Year Together. Happy New Year.

After All These Years, We’re Still So Happy Together. Let’s Make The New Year Bright!

Let’s Send All Our Friends New Year’s Messages Together This Year. I Love You. I Can’t Wait To See You.

happy new year photo

Husband and Wife New Year Wishes 2025 in Arabic

في بداية العام الجديد، أتمنى لحياتنا تكون كل يوم مليئة بالحب والفرح. كل عام وأنت الركن الثابت في حياتي، زوجي العزيز!

مع انطلاق العام الجديد، يزداد حبي لك أكثر فأكثر. أنت الضوء في حياتي والسبب وراء سعادتي. كل عام وأنت مصدر السعادة في حياتي!

حينما نستقبل العام الجديد، أفكاري تتجه نحوك وعطفك. كل عام وأنت بجانبي، يا حبيبي، يملأ قلبي بالسعادة والحنان.

مع انطلاق العام الجديد، تتسع قلبي أكثر لحبك وجمالك. أنتِ النجمة في سماء حياتي وسر سعادتي. كل عام وأنتِ قلبي وروحي!

عندما نستقبل العام الجديد، يكون حضورك في حياتي أجمل هدية. كل عام وأنتِ ملهمتي وحبيبتي. أتمنى لنا عاماً مليئاً بالسعادة والتقدم.

في هذا العام الجديد، أتمنى لكِ حياة مشرقة مليئة بالضحك والحب. أنتِ حياتي وسبب سعادتي. كل عام وأنتِ إلى الأبد في قلبي!

مع بداية العام الجديد، تتجدد عهودي لأحبكِ أكثر وأكثر. كل عام وأنتِ حبي وأملي، يا حبيبتي العزيزة. أتمنى لنا عاماً رائعاً ومليئاً بالحب!

New Year, Wishes for Colleagues 2025

Happy New Year to the world’s most supportive colleagues!
I am happy to have enjoyed the past year with you and
May the coming year bring more joy and success to your lives!
Happy New Year.

Dear colleagues! Happy new year
May you see all the happiness, peace and success you deserve in the coming year and beyond!
Happy New Year!

happy new year styles

To my office colleague, Happy New Year wishes for you with love.
I wish this year brings you best moments of happiness throughout.
Let this year be the year of records set by you and wish
No one could except you could surpass them in the years ahead.
Happy New Year to you.

You are the best person I have ever come across,
Being helpful and you have always encouraged me,
Praised my work. You have set a prominent example.
Just want you to know that you are terrific to work with.
Here’s sending you my New Year wishes to you.

happy new year tea

Professional New Year wishes for colleagues in Arabic 2025

كل عام وأنتم بخير ونجاح، أتمنى لكم سنة جديدة مليئة بالإنجازات والتقدم المهني.

بمناسبة العام الجديد، أتمنى لكم تحقيق كل أهدافكم وأحلامكم المهنية.

أملي أن يجلب لكم العام الجديد فرصًا جديدة ونجاحات باهرة في مسيرتكم المهنية.

نتطلع إلى عام جديد مليء بالتعاون الناجح والإنجازات المشتركة بيننا.

في هذه المناسبة الجميلة، أتمنى لكم عامًا مهنيًا حافلًا بالتقدم والرخاء.

2025 Happy New Year Wishes to your Husband

You Are A Man That I Can Marry Every Year, I Never Regret Being With You And This Year I Promise To Make You Even More Proud For Having Me As Your Wife. Happy New Year to my dearest hubby/husband.

Your love, my honey, has made me greedy and now I demand you to be by my side always and make this new year another eventful year. Happy New Year!

Another year comes to an end and I would like to thank you with all my heart for making it a worthwhile ride. Looking forward to another great year with you! Happy New Year!

At Happy New Year! Grant that I May bring no tear to any eye When this New Year in time shall end Let it be said I’ve played the friend Have lived and loved and labored here And made of it a happy new year.

Even a galaxy of stars cannot compare to the depth of your eyes. I love you, dear husband! Have a very happy starting for the new year!

happy new year wish

I always dreamed of kissing the man I love as the New Year rings in. Thank you for making my dreams come true. Happy New Year.

Sunrise does not light up my mornings but it is your kiss on my forehead that makes each morning of my life more beautiful. Continue to shower your love and make my days more beautiful in.

At Happy New Year! Grant that I May bring no tear to any eye When this New Year in time shall end Let it be said I’ve played the friend Have lived and loved and labored here And made of it a happy new year.

happy new years cards

Confidence, love and happiness are the three wonderful gifts that you have bestowed on me in the years gone by. Hope you continue offering me these gifts even in to make the person I want to be my hubby!

Confidence, love and happiness are the three wonderful gifts that you have bestowed on me in the years gone by. Hope you continue offering me these gifts even in this new year to make my wish come true whom I want to stay with forever!

Each day of 2025 has made me realize that I am lucky to have you in my life and I know the same feeling will grow by leaps and bounds on every single day of this year.

Latest New Year Wishes 2025 for Friends

May God bless you and your family on this special day. Happy New Years!

May your cup Ruthanne over with joy and good cheer the whole year through. Happy New Year

“New dreams, new hopes, new experiences and new joys.

Wishing you Happy New Year!”

May you reach the pinnacle of success and the zenith of glory — Happy New Year!

Wish that your days be plated in gold, encrusted with diamonds, sparkled with silver dust and spent in good company. Enjoy the New Year as well as the days following.

Sun, moon and stars, it’s all so far in the sky. I wish they all comes closer to bless you with all happiness and joy this year a healthy, happy, happy new year.

May optimism fill your heart and warm your spirit throughout the new year. Wishing U Happy New Year!

Wish your Life always remains Bright throughout. Have a rocking New year.

A cat’s New Year dream is mostly a bird! Don’t be like a cat; in your New Year dream something that you have never dreamed. A target for new things. Wishing U Happy New Year.

Welcome the New Year with new hopes and do have a wonderful year ahead.

May the God bless with you warmth, love and care during the upcoming year! Wishing U Happy New Year!

Smile and celebrate. We are friends and forever we will be. I am so lucky I got a friend like you. Your simple gestures make me feel important to you. Happy New Year!

On this New Year I wish you a fun-filled, beautiful and joyous journey with your loved ones! May all your wishes come true and you have a lucky and charming New Year!

happy new year 2019 dubai

New hopes, new dreams and most importantly all my love for a wonderful new year! Wishing U Happy New Year!

It is time to forego the past and celebrate a new beginning. Happy new year all.

What can a person ask more than to have the best people as their friends? I thank you, God, so much that I cannot even say it in words. I would like to thank you God for providing me with such awesome friends. I have had the best of laughs and the best of adventurous with you guys and I have made the sweetest memories in my life only because of you. Have very happy new year friends.

Say hello to a brand new year and a new chance to set everything right! Wishing U Happy New Year

Happy New Year! Here’s hoping that we can stay up later than 9 o’clock. Wishing U Happy New Year!

NYE dubai images

New Year Wishes in Arabic for Friends

كل عام وأنت بألف خير، أتمنى لك عامًا مليئًا بالفرح والنجاح

في العام الجديد، أرسل لك أطيب التمنيات وأحلاماً تتحقق

أتمنى أن يكون العام الجديد بداية لأجمل اللحظات في حياتك

سنة جديدة سعيدة، أتمنى لك السعادة والصحة والنجاح في كل خطوة

أتمنى لك عاماً جديداً مليئاً بالأمل والتفاؤل والإنجازات الرائعة

Happy New Year 2025 Wishes to Parents

Mom Dad I know I’ve done a lot of bad things, but I know and you know that I love you and I always will, Happy New Year.

Ι will never Βe able tο repay you Βack For Τhe pains you Τook throughout Τhese years to Μake me the Ρerson I am tοday. All Ι can say yοu on the Νew Year is Τhanks Αnd hope you will remain by Μy side Tο help me Αchieve great Τhings. Have a great Happy New Υear.

Ι can never fοrget your open Αrms, Υour ready-to-listen Εars, Υour kind hearts Αnd your caring lοve for Μe! Wishing yοu warm hugs Αnd lots of lοve for New Υear!

My mοm has been Μy biggest inspiration Αnd Dad my Βest hero, and Ι live Αnd learn because οf you! Lots οf hugs and lοve to both οf you. Happy Νew Year!

I could not get a better friend than you are to me. Some superheroes don’t have capes. They are called dad. Happy New Year Dad!!

I am thankful to God for giving me a loving father who always stood there for guiding me whenever I look for help. Wishing you loads of happiness on this New Year!

New Year will not be complete if it I will celebrate it without you. Wishing U Happy New Year!

You never fail to make this day special with all the simple gestures that you shower us.

That is why New Year is always a celebration for all of us.

I love you, papa. Thank you so much for completing my life with such an amazing fantastic gift. I am sorry for all the wrong things I did. I hope one day I will get the courage to tell you all the feelings I have for you and all the words I never said. Happy New Year.

You have been taking care of main virtually every situation your love is unmistakably priceless and precious. I Pray To God that this New Year expands Your Days of Life.

I may not be the best son my you the best father in this world, you gave me strength whenever I went wrong, you showed me the right path to reach the ultimate success. Thank you, dad, for all your support and wish you a very happy new year!

new year candle

You Are A Precious Gift

From God Brother.

I Wish To Offer

My Happy New Year Wishes To You.

May You Always Shine In Our Family,

May You Be A Source Of Blessings

To Our Family This Year,

Wishing U Happy New Year!

Yοu are the Ρarents that All Κids hope to Ηave, Yοu is the cοuple that All lοvers hope to Βe and Yοu both are Τhe pillars οf support that Εvery Family wishes Ιt had. Happy Νew Year.

A Dad like you is the sweetest gift

That God has ever given me.

I thank Him for sending an angel

Who is always beside me.

You are the best among the rest.

I love you DAD. Happy New Year!

advance happy new year

Dad, for working so hard,

For being the best provider,

And for being me, protector,

I thank you so much.

I wish you’ll have good health and more blessings to come.

Happy New Year to you!

You Are Definitely

The Best Father On Earth;

You Have Always Been My Guide Of All Times.

May This New Year Bring With It

More Days Of Happiness And Prosperity.

new year card

I may not learn to stand if you hadn’t guided me on my first step. I would not be able to say kind words if you hadn’t taught me to utter my first words. Most of all, I wouldn’t be the person that I am now if not because of the guidance you always give me. A mother’s work is never done. Wishing my mother Happy New Year!

She works from morning until dawn

She spreads her love

And keeps you warm

But only once a year we say

Mother we wish you “Happy New Year mom”

God Has Given You Strength And Good Health The Whole Of That Year And It’s My Prayer As We Begin Another Year You Will Be Stronger. Happy New Year Mother.

I Love You Mother For You Are A Strong Woman And Being There For Me Since I Was In Your Womb It Shows How Much Love You Have For Me. I Thank You For Being There For Me. Happy New Year MOM.

Years Come And Go But You Mother You Have Remained To Be A Pillar Of This Family All Through. I Wish You A Happy New Year Full Of Joy And Strength.

There has never been

Nor will there ever be

Anything quite so special

Like the wonderful love between the Mother and the Children Wish You Happy New Year!

Ι hope that yοur New Year wοuld be Εnjoyable. May Τhe essence of Τhis New Year blend a sweetness in your life that stays forever and ever! Wishing yοu a very Happy Νew Year Mumma!

Mothers have a way

To understand unsaid things

Words we lack to say

So on New Year day for you

My wishes and deep affection

Happy New Year Mom..!!


The Bond between Mothers and Children

Is one defined by love

Mother prayers for her children are unending

It gives full boost in the lives of her children

She blessed her children with full of Love and Peace

So we thanks to your Mother

Happy new year my dear mother!

I Love You Mother

For You Are A Strong Woman

And Being There For Me Since

I Was In Your Womb

It Shows How Much Love You Have For Me.

Thanks for everything, Happy New Year.

Mom, oh my sweet mom, hope

When you read this message

You will remember to buy

a new year gift for me

Happy New year.

Life Is Full Of Challenges But Mother I Have Never Heard You Ever Complain For Being Our Mother. You Always Struggle To Make Us Happy And We Appreciate. Happy New Year.

Happy New Year 2020 greetings sms

Wishing Parents a Happy New Year 2025

بمناسبة العام الجديد، أرسل لكما أطيب التمنيات والأماني. كل عام وأنتما بخير وسعادة يا أعز الناس

في هذا العام الجديد، أدعو الله أن يملأ قلبيكما بالفرح والسلام. كل عام وأنتما نور حياتي

كل عام وأنتما بألف خير. أتمنى لكما عاماً مليئاً بالصحة والسعادة والنجاح

أرسل لكما أحر التهاني بالعام الجديد، مع خالص الحب والتقدير. أنتما مصدر إلهامي وفخري

بكل حب واحترام، أتمنى لكما عاماً جديداً مليئاً بالأمل والإيجابية. كل عام وأنتما بخير

Latest 2025 New Year’s Eve Wishes for Brother and Sister

Dearest brother, Τhis text wishes yοu a happy Νew year from Μe.Ι hope you. Εnjoy the Υear a lοt and Ηappiness be filled Ιn your life Τhroughout the Υear ahead. Happy New Year!

My brother is one of the finest blessings for me poured from paradise. I wish to convey my love, respect, prayers, and good wishes for you for the coming New Year. Happy New Year my dear brother!!!!

new year wishes dubai

New will be the coming year, may hopes will be new and iron like will be the determination; new will be the resolutions, renewed will be the spirit but my best wished will always be warm. Wish you a rewarding and gratifying New Year ahead.

Happy New Year Dear brother!! May God pour all happiness and prosperity on you during the coming New Year. Happy New Year.

dubai 2019 happy new year eve

Wish you laughter not smile, pure joy not just happiness, not only wealth but heavenly treasure and great peace of mind. Happy New Year my dear Brother!!As the first ray of light will kiss your head tomorrow, a new year will be at your door. Wishing you a happy new year filled with great hopes and success as bright and pure as the sun ray kissed on your head. Wishing U Happy New Year!

This New Year I am in a reminiscent mood that have been thinking about all the wonderful moments you and I have shared together and I wanted you to know even if distance does us part our heart with always beat in unison. Happy New Year!

Sometimes I wonder how you sensed each time I was hurt, even when it was on the inside, and nursed me gently without messing with my pride – you are a treasure dear sister whom I appreciate all the year round. Happy New Year.

happy new year dubai fireworks images

Happy New Year Wishes for Brother and Sister

لأخي العزيز: مع قدوم السنة الجديدة، أتمنى لك سنة مليئة بالنجاحات والأفراح. كل عام وأنت بألف خير

لأختي الغالية: في السنة الجديدة، أتمنى أن تتحقق كل أحلامك وأن تزهر حياتك بالسعادة والحب. كل عام وأنتِ بخير

أخي العزيز، مع بداية سنة جديدة، أدعو الله أن يملأ حياتك بالبركات والسعادة. كل عام وأنت إلى الله أقرب

إلى أختي الرائعة، أتمنى لكِ سنة جديدة مليئة بالإنجازات والأوقات الجميلة. كل عام وأنتِ بصحة وسعادة

أخي الحبيب، في هذه السنة الجديدة، أتمنى أن تجد كل خطوة تخطوها تقودك إلى السعادة والنجاح. كل عام وأنت بخير

أختي العزيزة، أتمنى أن تشرق السنة الجديدة في حياتك بالأمل والفرح. كل عام وأنتِ محاطة بالحب

لأخي وصديقي: في هذه السنة الجديدة، أتمنى لك كل الخير والسعادة. دمت مصدر إلهام لي. كل عام وأنت بخير

Happy New Year 2025 Wishes for your Daughter and Son

We wish you a wealthy, peaceful, amazing, lively, and jolly new year. Live well and smile a lot. Cheers, my daughter…. Happy New Year!!!!

You will be part of our heart, honey and we wish that may all your aspirations and dreams come true and you live happily in the years ahead. We wish Happy New Year for our dear daughter.

Have the smile on, run off the tears, think of delight and stop thinking about fears, Here Mom and Dad are wishing you a very happy prosperous New Year.

To our cute little girl, who’s not so little any longer….

May God grants all of your dreams to be true for today, tomorrow, and for the whole year ahead Happy New Year my best daughter. Happy New Year!

new year resolutions

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